Location and access: Farm is located in northeast Hayes County on the Hayes/Lincoln County line. From Wellfleet, NE at Highway 83 takes Hayes Center Road 6.5 miles to County Line Road, turn right and drive two miles west.
Legal Description: Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 8 North, Range 31 West, Hayes County, Nebraska
Irrigation Equipment:
8 tower T-L center pivot system (2001 Model 8TP) with Senninger Xcel Wobbler nozzles
US Motors 150 hp electric motor (2009)
Western Land Roller 8” Pump
2000 gallon fertilizer tank
Middle Republican Natural Resource District (NRD):
151.4 total certified irrigated acres
51.99" of remaining water allocation for 2025-2027 period
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA):
Farm is enrolled in PLC
Base acres: 146.36 Corn with PLC Yield 168
11.65 acres CRP contract with annual payment $678 (expires September 30, 2026)
Assessor: Hayes County Parcel #430028857
2024 Real Estate Taxes $2,902.20
2024 Occupation Tax $1,514.00
Estimated Income:
146.36 Irrigated Acres x 60 bushel rent x $4.65 = + $40,835
11.65 CRP Acres x $58.20 = + $678
Less Real Estate Tax = - $2,902
Less Occupation Tax = - $1,514
Less Insurance = - $2,750
PRICE: $995,000
Legal Description: Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 8 North, Range 31 West, Hayes County, Nebraska
Irrigation Equipment:
8 tower T-L center pivot system (2001 Model 8TP) with Senninger Xcel Wobbler nozzles
US Motors 150 hp electric motor (2009)
Western Land Roller 8” Pump
2000 gallon fertilizer tank
Middle Republican Natural Resource District (NRD):
151.4 total certified irrigated acres
51.99" of remaining water allocation for 2025-2027 period
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA):
Farm is enrolled in PLC
Base acres: 146.36 Corn with PLC Yield 168
11.65 acres CRP contract with annual payment $678 (expires September 30, 2026)
Assessor: Hayes County Parcel #430028857
2024 Real Estate Taxes $2,902.20
2024 Occupation Tax $1,514.00
Estimated Income:
146.36 Irrigated Acres x 60 bushel rent x $4.65 = + $40,835
11.65 CRP Acres x $58.20 = + $678
Less Real Estate Tax = - $2,902
Less Occupation Tax = - $1,514
Less Insurance = - $2,750
PRICE: $995,000
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